
From Transit.Wiki
Revision as of 19:27, 6 January 2020 by Andy (talk | contribs)

Put in the following at the beginning of a route page:

Full listing.

|provider=   agency or company offering service
|prefix=     for letter prefix (optional)
|num=        route number (optional)
|letter=     route letter or suffix (optional)
|value=      for full route number (s) with prefix and letters in case if it doesn't match other values
|valuesep=  (optional) separator for pages that cover two or more routes (1A/1B), then separator should be /. Default is comma. Value parameter is not needed for this to work.
|fullname=   full name of route (optional)
|type=       mode or service type (default is bus)
|to=         origin - destination

Simple listing for bus routes that only have a number.


Only origin/destination will be shown.